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GUEST COLUMN - June 14: A patriotic holiday, birthday

June 14, nestled quietly between Memorial Day in May and the Fourth of July, is a younger patriotic holiday celebrating the actual American Flag – the Stars and Stripes.

The date is also the birthday of one of the Nation’s military services, and a presidential birthday; quite a load for one 24-hour span.

Americans have always been proud of their flag, the physical symbol of the spirit of our nation. They have a deep respect for the stars and stripes and honor it at every opportunity.

June 14 is the official day to honor our national symbol. The Stars and Stripes flag was officially adopted as the budding nation’s symbol on this date in 1775 by the Second Continental Congress.

American Legion Floyd Minch Post 44 in Worland urges all area residents and businesses to fly the flag on Thursday, June 14 to honor this embodiment of the U.S.A.

Worland has always been a strong flag town. Flags are displayed along the streets in many residential neighborhoods and businesses along the main streets also fly the flag.

Particularly striking is the large 6-foot by 10-foot flag at the Wyoming Gas Company grounds west of the Big Horn River bridge that greets travelers coming into Worland from the south, and the multiple flag display at Frandson Safety Inc. on top of the hill on the eastern edge of town. The Frandson display includes the U.S. flag, state flag and flags of all the military services.

Residential flag sets are available at local hardware stores, department stores and lumber yards, and Post 44 sells flags for outdoor 24-hour display. Post 44 also accepts unserviceable U.S. and other flags for proper disposal.

There are established rules for flying and displaying the U.S. flag. The flag code can be accessed at or

Flag Day is a national holiday that was a long time coming. A number of cities, school districts and states celebrated the day to honor the flag from the mid-19th century, but it wasn’t until President Woodrow Wilson declared June 14 as a national holiday in 1916 and later, in 1949 that President Harry S. Truman worked with Congress to put the holiday into law.

June 14 is also the 243rd anniversary of the establishment of the U.S. Army. On this date in 1775, the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia called for raising 10 companies of Infantry for the American Continental Army. Two days later, the legislators also established other branches of the Army, but first came the Infantry – the guys who take and hold ground.

Their first mission was to march to the Boston, Mass. area to support local militia units preparing to do battle with the British army which was occupying the region.

From that modest beginning, fewer than 1,000 men drawn from the colonies of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, the U.S. Army and its companion services have grown to become the mightiest military force on the planet.

Our nation’s history can be written following the fortunes of its military through nearly two and a half centuries, and our military veterans have always held a unique position of respect in our country for their selfless service through the years protecting American freedoms and the freedom of other nations threatened by despotic forces.

June 14 is also the birthday of the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump. He was born on this date in 1946 in the borough of Queens in New York City, NY.

A high profile and controversial figure in American politics, President Trump is rewriting and/or restoring the American political and cultural scene, a good and past-due effort to many Americans and an outrage to others.

Whatever one’s opinion of President Trump may be, he does share his beginning date with U.S. flag celebration and the establishment of the U.S. Army.

Trump probably feels he is in good company.