Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

Northwest Wyoming road shoulder sealing scheduled to begin in Big Horn County on May 8

Fog sealing of highway shoulders is slated for a Monday, May 8, start in northwest Wyoming.

Fog sealing uses quick-drying oil to seal highway shoulders, and is part of the Wyoming Department of Transportation's summer chip-sealing maintenance program.

Fog sealing is scheduled May 8 between Greybull and Lovell on US310 (mileposts 225.45 to 230.00), May 8 on US310 west of Lovell (mileposts 237.42 to 238.28), May 8 on WY37 (mileposts 0 to 9.0), May 8 on US310 east of Lovell (mileposts 235 to 236), May 9 at the junction of US310 and WY114 near Deaver (mileposts 29.5 to 40.6), May 10 on WY295 near Powell (mileposts 0 to 12), and May 11 or May 15 on WY290 west of Meeteetse (mileposts 0 to 6).

"We're asking people to avoid driving, running or bicycling on the fog-sealed highway shoulders for 24 hours," said WYDOT fog sealing foreman Tyd Erickson of Meeteetse. "All work is dependent upon favorable weather.."

"These roadways will be chip sealed later this summer," Erickson said.

WYDOT's summer maintenance chip sealing work, which includes fog sealing, is a cost-effective way of maintaining and extending the life of highways in Wyoming.

Rendered 09/09/2024 06:39