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U.S. House: Republican - Steven R. Helling

Candidate Helling stopped by the Northern Wyoming News office for an interview and to answer the questionnaire.

Where do you currently reside and how long have you lived in Wyoming?

“I have lived in Casper close to 19 years and lived in Wyoming 26.5 years.”

Why are you running for Congress?

“I’m running to give the voters a choice. I also feel strongly about a couple of issues, including being against nuclear power, and particularly the nuclear power plant in Kemmerer, which will create highly radioactive nuclear waste. And we have no permanent storage site to store nuclear waste in this country. And until we get a permanent site for the storage of nuclear waste, I don’t think we should be creating more nuclear waste if we don’t need to.

“If there are alternatives to nuclear, I think we should explore those. But until such time as there is a permanent storage site for the nuclear waste, I am opposed to it, I would reconsider if there were a permanent storage site.”

The second issue Helling feels strongly about is abortion.

“I’m very pro life. I would support federal legislation restricting abortions.”

Helling claimed since the U.S. Supreme Court put the issue of abortion back to the state level abortions have increased in the country.

“And so it seems like simply a symbolic victory if the abortions are continuing, and we need more. Now, President Trump does not presently support national legislation for restricting abortions. He’s made that clear. So if I had the opportunity, and he were elected, I would be in his ear trying to convince him that we need national legislation.”

Helling added, “In terms of transparency and honesty, last time I ran as a Democrat [in 2022] trying to rally Democrats for Trump. That message fell flat on its face. Democrats in Wyoming generally do not like President Trump. And I learned that fairly quickly. And the voters certainly made it clear in a fair and free election.

“And so even though I’m a Republican now, my platform before was a Republican platform, and I am a Republican, and will be a Republican for the rest of my life. The point I would like to make is that as a Republican, my position on the issues is identical to what it was two years ago. There has been no position change.”

What is THE most important issue facing our country that you hope to help address if elected?

“Probably the most important issue is the competency of our president, because that affects everything else. And certainly, open borders is a major, major issue. And then we have other parts of the world at war, so that’s a major issue also.”

Regarding open borders Helling said, “I would be supportive of going back to President Trump’s remain-in-Mexico policy.”

Do you feel you are able to work across party lines to find solutions to issues for the betterment of the country?

“I do. I have been a litigation attorney for over 40 years. And I have resolved literally hundreds of disputes working across to the other side to find solutions. And so I feel that I could carry that skill over for the betterment of the country.”

Concluding, “I try to be very honest in my approach to life and certainly with regard to the voters. And I understand realistically I think I have little to no chance of winning. But I want to be heard.”

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