Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

CatchAFire changes lives

One local man goes from visiting to help organizing men's spiritual event

WORLAND - Four years ago, Kraig Emmett attended the first CatchAFire men's spiritual event in Worland with a friend. He wasn't sure what to expect. Fast forward four years later and Emmett is part of the organizational committee planning this year's event that will be Friday and Saturday, Jan. 29-30.

Emmett said, "If I didn't go, I might not be here today. I want to encourage guys to come. They might come to win a prize, but they might leave with faith," which is what happened to him.

"The first year I didn't have any interest in giving myself to the Lord. I went with a friend but everything (the speaker) said made sense and something drew me down there and I found myself praying with him," Emmett said.

James Scott, one of the founders of CatchAFire said it's exciting to watch Emmett's transformation since he got "saved," in giving his life to Jesus Christ. "It's been cool to watch the transformation in his life and now he's putting back into event."

Scott said when he helped organize the first CatchAFire that he felt God laying on his heart to do more for men. "There wasn't events like this. I felt it was one way to put families back together," he said. He added that he continues his involvement because "of what Jesus did for me. This is my way of doing something for Him. Plus I get to work with some of the best guys around."

Scott's wife Rebecca helps the committee. She said, "I love being here. I get to watch James' passion for lost people and seeing these guys' and their heart for the Lord."

Frank Ley said he is involved because "of the impact Christ has had in my life I want to see others have that same hope."

Greg Bradshaw said he is involved with CatchAFire "because I love the Lord."

Jeff Garza, who runs the Praise Band, said, "I love to worship from my heart with music. It's fulfilling to teach others songs to glorify God."

Dale Thompson said, "I believe in the power of the gospel. It changes lives. CatchAFire is another opportunity for people to hear (the gospel). This is just a common sense way to get people to hear the gospel."

Ed Lujan said every time someone hears the gospel it is life changing.

James Scott noted that of the more than 400 people who have attended the past three years, 43 have come to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Thompson said the focus on men is because men are called in the Bible to be the spiritual leaders in the home and reaching men helps reach families. He said statistics show that if a father accepts the Lord, 93 percent of the time the family will follow. "It's God's design for men to be the spiritual leader."

He and Scott noted that there is a need to help heal families with a nearly 70 percent divorce rate in Wyoming.

Ley added that CatchAFire is also a way to help grow churches. "We're not taking from other churches, we're growing churches," he said, adding that several different churches are involved in the organization of the non-denominational event.

CatchAFire event

CatchAFire vision is to "see men of the Big Horn Basin glorify God by coming to a right understanding of who Christ is and living according to His design and purpose revealed in His Word." CatchAFire has the annual event in January and also meets every month on the second Saturday at the Cow Camp.

This year's speaker for main CatchAFire men's event is Dr. David Hamilton of Pontotoc, Miss. Hamilton is the senior pastor at West Heights Baptist Church. He and his wife Susan have been married for 38 years. They have two sons and three grandchildren.

He will be speaking Friday night on prayer. Friday's event begins at 6 p.m. at the Worland Middle School Auditorium with the chuckwagon barbecue. Tickets will be sold at the door starting at 5:30 p.m. A ticket includes price of dinner, admission into the event and eligibility for the more than 20 door prizes, including a tire package and a rifle.

Saturday morning will be a more in depth worship and devotion meeting for men. A free breakfast is served at 8 a.m. at Mount Calvary Church, 200 North Third Street in Worland. The praise band, which will also perform Friday, will lead music at 8:45 a.m. Band members include Garza, Ben McMillan, Nathan Lind, Tracy Kern and Jacob Garza.

Scott will bring the message at 9 a.m. with the event wrapping up at 9:30 a.m. Scott said he is still praying about the message that God would have him give on Saturday. Last year about 25 people attended on Saturday with 110 attending Friday night, just slightly less than the first year attendance, which was the highest.

For more information contact Scott at [email protected] or 307-431-0725, or Frank Ley at 307-431-8128, or visit the CatchAFire website at