Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

My name is Ivy and I am 6 years old. I am the oldest of four fur children at the Pomeroy household. I have been pretty good this year. I only chased one skunk but it was far away so I didn't get sprayed as bad as in the past.

I don't get food off the counter anymore. Maybe that's because "Mom" keeps any food pushed too far back.

I get in the tub for baths, not right away and "Mom" usually has to trick me into the bathroom first, but once I'm there I behave until the bath is over.

I like chasing bunny rabbits and barking at the raccoons, pheasants and deer across the property. I will try and not bark at the reindeer when you come.

I would like lots of batteries for the laser red dot machine because that is something I love to play all day and all night, even outside in the snow.

I also enjoy hanging out with "Mom" on the couch as she watches Hallmark Christmas movies at night.

I'll try and leave out milk and cookies, but I like milk ... and cookies. I think there's some broccoli in the fridge you could help yourself to some of that.

I hope all is well at the North Pole.

Love, Ivy

Dear Santa,

My name is Shadow and I am 4 years old. I have been pretty good as well. I don't get on the counter anymore and I would just like to say in my defense, Ivy taught me that bad habit to begin with.

I try not to wake "Mom" up before the alarm but sometimes I just can't help myself. Do the elves ever wake you up in the middle of the night?

And, I probably get a little over eager, and some might say obnoxious, waiting for breakfast but gosh it's so yummy. Besides they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

I love playing ball and wrestling with Ivy. Wrestling in the snow is the best.

I also love chasing and attacking tumbleweeds, going for walks and rides with "Dad." And, I'm sorry but I do get a little jealous when "Dad" takes Ivy for a ride.

I would like some more of those Holl-ee Roller Dog Toys. I know I have several but sometimes I forget where I put them, sometimes they roll under the bed and sometimes when they vacuum they all get put in the toy box and really Santa, you can't have too many toys.

Ivy and I have been good watch dogs. We let "Mom" and "Dad" know when the UPS man is here, the garbage men, when the deer are outside, when the wind blows, when the cats jump down from the cat tree outside and when the refrigerator icemaker makes a noise.

I agree with Ivy about the milk and cookies, I can't promise they would be safe or there would be any left when you came. Even if they were on the counter.

Thanks for all the toys in the past.


Dear Santa,

We have been very good keeping the mice population down and well, yes, the bird population, and sometimes the bunny population. What we are saying is that we are great and mighty hunters.

We do get in occasional cat fights with one another, but Shadow usually referees and breaks us up. We don't understand it but she tries to keep the peace and she seems very proud of herself when she does.

We're not great at sharing, like food and such, but we do share the heated house in the winter.

We would like a lot of catnip and cat treats if possible. Some real salmon would be great. We had a few morsels leftover from Mom and Dad's supper the other night and it was scrumptious.

Don't expect us to leave treats for you, it's not something we do, but if we have success hunting and prowling there might be a small dead something or 'nother waiting for you.

However, if it is cold Christmas Eve rather than be out hunting we'll probably be snuggled in the heated house sleeping so we would prefer if you and the reindeer kept the noise to a minimum. Use your indoor voice when yelling "Ho! Ho! Ho!"

Oh and thanks for having the Pomeroys adopt us from the shelter four years ago. It's been the best home.

Merry Christmas from Chuck and Buddy, the Pomeroy cats

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Merry Christmas everyone, wishing you and yours a special holiday season.

Karla Pomeroy