Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

Karla's Kolumn: Finding a balance, personally and professionally

In contemplating what to write in this space this week, my thoughts were similar to John Davis’ in that perhaps it was time for something besides COVID-19.

We all need a break from the pandemic news. I myself take a break in the evenings and the weekends. When I get home, after changing clothes (if I have been anywhere in the public) and washing my hands, I pet my dogs and I visit with my husband. I tell him about the local COVID-19 news of the day and he tells me about the national COVID-19 news of the day and then we move from COVID-19.

The weekend is pretty much the same. We check the news in the morning. I check the state numbers and post to our website and social media platforms each afternoon.

I have been avoiding Facebook, especially on the weekends.

There is some good there, like the Washakie County COVID-19 page and the Love Thy Neighbor – Washakie County page. However, if you spend too much time on social media you realize that the country, despite #weareallinthistogether, we really are not all in this together.

We see this in the protests that are rising up around the country. There is division from people who want Governor Gordon to issue a stay at home order and from those who want to see businesses opened up again.

I try to find a balance at home between wanting to get the most current information but also taking a break from it so it does not get overwhelming.

Just as I work to find that balance at home, we try to find that balance in the news and information we provide in each issue of the Northern Wyoming News as well.

We provided the Quick Facts on the front page so people could see the progression, eventually see the curve leveling out and soon, we hope, see the virus disappearing.

We are not trying to create fear by showing there are six deaths in Wyoming attributed to COVID-19. That’s just a fact.

We report the recovery numbers as well, distinguishing between lab-confirmed cases and probable cases in those recoveries.

We feel it is important for people to know how the state orders are impacting businesses. A few weeks ago we talked to businesses who were able to stay open through the orders. This week we spoke with dental and vision clinics and how they are coping with a new normal.

We also have stories about the efforts of local people helping those on the frontlines by making masks and extenders. We have more stories scheduled for future issues.

We also find it is important to show there are other things going on amidst the pandemic — The commissioners discussing fencing needs on the Lower Nowood, Young Authors honorees, FFA members honored and more.

We know there are more positive stories out there and we would like to know about them.

These are the stories we want to tell. They are the stories about our community and how our community is dealing with the pandemic. Share a photo with us about how you are coping, how you are social distancing or how you are finding that balance.

And let us know if you have a news tip or a photo opportunity that is non-COVID-19 related.

Call us at 347-3241 or email me at [email protected] with news story ideas or photos.

As your local hometown newspaper we want to help you find that balance during these difficult times.

As you work on that balance remember to stay home if you are sick, try and limit travel for essential business only, wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, wear a mask in public if you can’t maintain proper social distancing (six feet) and find ways to manage your stress, read your favorite book, watch your favorite comedy movie (after all laughter is the best medicine), take the dog for a walk, or throw the ball for the dog for the umpteenth time.