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Fair board member resigns at start of meeting

WORLAND — After citing some frustrations with the fair board and board processes, Washakie County Fair Board Marty Cross submitted his resignation to Washakie County Commissioner Aaron Anderson, who was in attendance at Monday’s fair board meeting.

Cross said he felt like the board was “spending like there is no tomorrow” and that the board needs to be good stewards of the money. He said the fair board funding is based on a mill levy that could change with the county valuation.

After Cross left the meeting, Anderson clarified that the fair board funding is determined by the commissioners. He said the county can levy 12 mills and a small portion of that 12 mills is used to fund the library, fair and hospital. Funding determines the amount to be levied of that 12 and that can fluctuate each fiscal year.

Cross also said he felt that the work that he and fellow board member Shane Wiggins did to improve the rodeo arena was not appreciated by other board members, noting if it can save the board and county money and if they are able to do the work then “why not do it. It is our responsibility to make sure things are safe.”

Anderson clarified with the board later that it is the county’s job to address health and safety issues at the fairgrounds and it is job of the fair board to operate the fair and to use funding for things needed for the fair, such as the goat pens that were recently purchased.

“The commission took maintenance away from the fair board years ago. We have the resources to prioritize that. We are certainly appreciative of their work, they did a great job working on the arena.”

We really try to shoulder that responsibility for the cost – certainly want to hear from people, best approach through Tom – Whole facility has improved.

Cross also stated that he felt the board secretary should be handling the mail instead of the board’s hired accountant, Sandy Richard of S&A Accounting. The treasurer should have access to bank statements and other financial records.

Richard said she provides the board with all the records. The board noted that they asked Richard to check the mail to ensure bills were not lost at a member’s home and that Richard went to the post office daily, whereas some of the members did not always have time to go to the post office.

Tamara Drake, current board secretary, who just completed a term as board treasurer, said the bank statements have been online for years and any board member has access to the log in information to view the bank statements.

Cross also stated that the fair board members need to all be available to work at the county fair. “Fair week is not a week for partying it’s a week to work.”

After Cross left, the board did acknowledge all of the work Cross did for the grounds and during fair week. Chairman Jeff Lapp said he is unable to take vacation for a full week during fair week like Cross, who has his own business.

Anderson noted that with volunteer boards everyone has their own level of commitment and what they can offer.

Cross was just recently appointed to a new term on the board.


In other business at Monday’s fair board meeting, Anderson said he came to discuss some findings from the recent annual audit. He said there was an issue with the voucher system the board uses. He said each voucher needs to be accompanied with invoices and any other documentation regarding the expenditure. Also the perjury statement on each voucher must be signed by the board member who was in charge of the expenditure. He said Richard should not be writing any checks unless all the documentation is signed and attached to the vouchers.

Anderson also commented on the upcoming budget and said there will probably be cuts coming, but noted he would not look at what the fair board did not spend this year but look at the board’s budget proposal based on funds available for the upcoming year.

Regarding upcoming needs such as a new load-out chute and a new scale for weigh-ins, Anderson suggested the board get pricing and bring the requests to the commissioners, noting “We’ll make the call — it could come out of your budget, we’ll take it on or we’ll partner with you. Safety issues have been our priority.”

The board discussed meeting at 6 p.m. prior to their next board meeting on April 12 to do a walk-through of the grounds and make a list of maintenance needs to provide to Building Maintenance supervisor Tom Schmeltzer so there would be time to address them prior to the Fair July 26-31.

The board set the annual clean-up day for an evening this year instead of a Saturday morning. It will be from 5 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, July 15.

There was discussion about setting up for each animal show, something Cross did last year during the fair. They agreed to talk to the show superintendents about taking on additional duties at the fair. The superintendents will be invited to walk-through at the April 12 meeting.

The board set a date of May 15 for changes to the fair book. County 4-H clubs will be contacted to come up with suggestions for a county fair theme so the fair book cover can be designed.

The board discussed seeking further options for a canopy or covering for the arena to be used for the swine show and the livestock sale. They noted they could ask people to borrow smaller canopies, similar to what was used last year during the livestock sale.

They also discussed getting more volunteers to assist with the county fair this year.

They will be sending out letters for sponsors for the rodeos and animal shows and letters to potential food vendors.