Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

A new year brings new perspective

A new year here and with that comes the ever popular, but rarely accomplished new year’s resolutions. This year, I would challenge that and offer a new perspective. Instead of making a just a resolution, let’s make this year a year of reflection.

Rather than focusing on the goal that you feel must be accomplished, focus instead on the journey of personal growth as you work toward that goal. In looking back at the past year, try and see the opportunities of growth, rather than possible resolutions that weren’t kept.

Don’t get me wrong, goals are a great tool to raise the bar in a certain area, sharpen skills, and increase capabilities. But often times when we fall short, we can fall into the trap of self-shaming. Feeling bad we didn’t succeed, seeing self as a failure, and feeling guilty about it all. We’ve been indoctrinated to believe that we have to beat ourselves up if we don’t achieve our set goals. Yet, according to, 80% of us will abandon our new year’s goals. Our intentions start out genuine, but often times our execution becomes lax and gradually becomes non-existent. A new approach is to set the goal, but with a growth state of mind. Something that follows a greater purpose may help you stick to those goals and realize that any movement forward is growth. When a goal is in harmony with your life as a whole, its achievement won’t require struggle.

As you work on becoming a better version of yourself, remember it is a process not a destination. And it is the process that counts, not the end result. Whatever the actual end goal is, it does not define you. A date on a calendar or a goal marked “completed” does not change who you are. What counts is the commitment to go through the process of “becoming.” The journey of growth that you go through that exposes the endeavors, failures, endurance, learning, and growing in the process of “becoming.” It is the exciting realization that you can embark on a new journey of self-discovery.

Look at 2023 as a catalyst to experience new growth for renewal and transformation of self. Use this fresh start to work on your mental health, to improve your self-care and to take better care of yourself so that you can grow through the hard stuff that will inevitably occur. Protect your well-being. You don’t necessarily need to do great things, but rather strive to do small things with great joy. Explore the areas that give you joy and find a way of doing more of it in the world. Embracing the new means pursuing the things that you care about and achieving what would ultimately bring your life greater meaning and fulfillment.

So, focus on “reflection,” because when we do that, there is always something positive to find. Wishing you a healthy, happy and abundant 2023.