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Trying to be the top dog

So Mom told me that many of you readers enjoyed my letter to Santa. So I told her that I should be allowed to write more and she agreed.

She did not tell me in the beginning that she would be allowed to edit the stories I told and that I could not embellish. That took some fun out of writing this; but, I think it is important because if anyone is going to write about my life, who better than yours truly.

I will start by giving you all an update on my relationship with Tigger. Well, first to back up, the oldest cat Chuck that Mom liked to call "the other dog" because he always wanted to go for walks with us and come out and play with us, OK, so he didn't like to play with me, anyway he crossed the rainbow bridge right before Christmas. It made Mom and Dad sad.

If I have to be honest I kind of miss him tagging along, and I know Ivy and Shadow do as well.

Tigger has been trying to fill that void by wanting to go for walks with us. Well my job is to wrestle with any four legged creature that walks with us.

Well the other day Tigger let me know he did not want to play and was tired of running. Mom didn't see it but she did notice the scratch on my nose.

Tigger and I are finding our way. I think he is kind of like Ivy (my oldest sister). She tolerates me a lot but then at times she lets me know in no uncertain terms that she has had enough.

It might take longer than Mom and Dad would like but we will get there. Hey, I am not even 2 yet.

Speaking of Dad. We love going for multiple walks a day with him during his off season.

The past few weeks, though, he is doing some weird things. He puts these long boards on his feet (cross-country skis) and carries two sticks with him and he goes all over the property now.

Well since he is carrying sticks (poles) I feel that I must do as Dad does. I do not have the sticks on my feet but I always find a good sized stick to carry as we go. It is fun and different (not sure what his sticks do). It is a lot of work on my part dragging that thing everywhere.

Speaking of Mom, she's the greatest, as she feeds us and gives us treats. She lets us snuggle with her on the couch. She makes us take turns and sometimes she even will snuggle with two dogs at a time. OK, that is usually when I get whiny because Ivy or Shadow got to the couch first, but she will open up the recliner and let me up there and curl by her feet.

However, as great as Mom is she let me know the other day that she, not me, is the Alpha in the house.

It's a struggle wanting to be the top dog when you are the youngest among the canines, felines and humans. But what's a dog to do?

Well, for those wondering Santa must have heard my pleas because I got several new balls to play with including one that makes a funny noise. It is fun to throw it, roll it, chase it. Best of all, Shadow does not like the noise and Ivy could care less about it, so it is all mine.

We also got some new ropes and Shadow and I have played tug of war with them and I have pulled little strings out and left them all over the living room floor for Mom to clean up.

Next time, if Mom allows, I will do a complete day in the life of Roscoe. It could be a long one because I try to be busy all the time.

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