Serving the Big Horn Basin for over 100 years

It's not easy being me

Hello everyone, it's me Roscoe. A few weeks ago I said I would give you a glimpse into a typical day for me.

I am not sure if the day is supposed to start about 2 a.m. when Shadow wakes Mom up to put her outside, for what no one knows, but if she goes well I have to go because I don't want to miss out on anything.

If Shadow really has to use the doggie restroom, she does so quickly and goes back to the door. Sometimes we have to chase off a stray cat, sometimes some deer, or check out to make sure the cat's food dish is empty.

I like to explore but then I usually hear Mom holler my name in a perturbed tone, which means she really wants me to come in.

Shadow jumps on the couch hoping Mom will sit and snuggle. I grab a toy hoping to play and Mom looks at us both and says "No, we're going back to bed I have to be up in three hours."

She doesn't really get up in three hours though. She usually skips her first alarm at 5:15 a.m. and gets up on the second alarm at 5:30 a.m.

We both go into the bathroom. I have to protect her you see. I really don't like it when she closes that shower curtain, but then Mom doesn't like it when I open the curtain.

Once Mom is dressed she puts us all three outside while she gets our food and the cats food ready and then everyone (the livestock as she likes to call us) gets fed.

Shadow and Ivy barely taste their food and I enjoy mine a bit longer.

Then I watch as mom makes her breakfast and lunch to take to work, in case she drops something, or is so inclined to share.

Then it is back to the bathroom, Shadow brings the ball to wait for Mom to kick it and Ivy and just watch her get ready. We like to bark at the blow dryer but she won't let us anymore.

Then we see Mom off at the door and turn our attention to Dad. I won't like it when he starts up his seasonal work again because he doesn't let me go.

But this winter has been fun as we go for walks three to four times a day. I get to chase birds, carry my very long stick around and wrestle with my sisters.

Unfortunately, I still also chase Tigger and occasionally Fluff and I usually get grounded for a spell because of this.

Some days we get to take a nap with Dad and Shadow and I fight over who gets to snuggle next to him.

When Mom comes home we get so excited because we know dinner is coming. Shadow barely lets her get in the door before she is trying to herd her into the kitchen. I am a little more patient. Sometimes I like to wait until after the evening walk, or until we have had our nightly rawhide treat. It all depends in my mood.

Mom and Dad have to make sure Shadow and Ivy don't steal the food.

Mom plays ball with Shadow and me at night and all three of us take turns snuggling her at night on the couch.

Then Dad usually turns in before Mom, or before Mom falls asleep on the couch. Sometimes, depending on if I'm really tired or not, I go to bed with Dad and sometimes I stay up with Mom.

She won't let us roughhouse after Dad goes to bed though because we get too loud.

I know it may not seem like a busy day to you but it is, with the constant guarding of the house, yard and Mom and Dad, chasing birds, playing ball, trying to stop Shadow from playing ball, trying to steal antlers from both Shadow and Ivy, monitoring the backyard and the canal road below our house, it is a fun-filled life and I wouldn't change a thing. Except treats, I could always use more treats.